Monday, December 22, 2014

Week 18!

Holy cow, can you believe it's week 18? Sorry for the lack of updates recently, R and I have been ALL over the place. We looked at each other this weekend and realized we haven't spent more than 20 hours in our apartment together at any given time in over a month. Just busy bees during the holiday season!

Anyways, R has had such a fantastic month at the academy and I have so much great news to share with you all.

  • R is officially done with ALL driving tests! He passed 11-99 a few weeks ago so we can officially cross driving off our list.
  • R also passed the 3 major tests at range in his first attempts. Pistol, shotgun and AR 15. So so so proud considering R had never shot a gun before entering the academy!
  • He also passed basic stop and felony stop. 
  • Up next we have scenarios in the coming weeks, so continue praying for R on that front.
  • They got OC (Pepper) sprayed on Wednesday of last week. It was painful for them, to say the least. But in all honesty, they were all whooping it up together afterwards, I think it's a good bonding experience... haha. 
  • They will get tased this Tuesday!
And the best news of all is that they get 2 days off for Christmas! So R will get to come home on Wednesday night. Very very excited about 4 days off in a row again. We plan to have lots of family and friend time Wed-Fri but the weekend, we're going to take some much needed time to ourselves. 

The unfortunate side of the academy is that the number of cadets in CTC III-14 is officially under 100. It's getting harder for the cadets to say goodbye to each other after 4 months together, but it is a sad reality. I am happy to say R's roommates are still hanging in there too, which I'm so grateful for.

So those are our updates prior to Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful time with your families this holiday season!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 15, here we go!

I cannot believe it's week 15! What a whirlwind.

It's been a busy few weeks for R and I. 2 weekends ago now, we took our first weekend trip (in 3 months! If you know R and I, you know that's a long break in trips. We venture out of town often). R flew down to Anaheim to join my sister and I on a Disneyland trip. We booked his flight for Friday night and then he flew back Sunday afternoon. While in Anaheim, he also had the opportunity to see many of his former coworkers and friends, who were so excited to see him. Many of them were instrumental in R's decision to go for CHP and for that we are eternally grateful. He's fortunate to be surrounded by so many excellent role models in the law enforcement field and I know we couldn't do it without their support! It's always really fun to see everyone's reaction to R because he's down over 50 lbs since he started 3 months ago so it always takes everyone by surprise. I know he misses his old coworkers quite a bit and it was such a treat to see them together again.

Then we had Thanksgiving week and the cadets got 2 extra days off to make it a long holiday weekend! We had 4 glorious days together, most of which was spent with family and cuddled in bed with our dogs. Honestly, it was extra difficult to get R to go back on Sunday and from what I'd heard from other cadet wives, he wasn't the only one. R needed a lot of extra encouragement to keep his spirits up on Sunday night and I was more than happy to give him that needed push out the door.

I think I've said this before but what has surprised me most about our experience with the CHP academy is how easy it is for me to push R to head back every Sunday night. In 15 weeks, we've had our share of tearful goodbyes and I treasure every single second we get together but I feel it with my entire being that R is meant to be an officer, and that gives me the motivation to make sure he packs his bags every weekend. And there are so many weeks that I know if I gave R just an inkling I wanted him to stay, he might do it. But that's not going to happen. Not on my watch. We're making it to the end!

Anyhoots, here's the latest update:

  • The biggest and best update is that R passed HIGH SPEED!!! He had his 3rd attempt on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and when he got home and told me he passed, there were tears in my eyes. Now we're 1 away from the EVOC tests being over with.
  • For anyone wondering, at high speed R was driving around 120 mph.
  • He also passed the PPP, which is a physical test of some kind. He was super proud about that.
  • They've been spending a lot of time at range and R has shot at least 3 types of guns already. 
  • The new cadet class comes in next Monday. Can't wait to welcome CTC IV-14!
  • They're testing for PMA (arresting) this Thursday and Friday, send them all your good vibes.
  • He is no longer the cadet with the highest BMI. ;) 
And R has Wednesday liberty so I'll see him tomorrow night! Can't wait. 

Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lessons learned from the CHP Academy

When R started the CHP academy 12 weeks ago (!!), I was obsessive about gathering as much info about the academy that I could. One of the things that helped me greatly was finding a few other cadet wives' blogs from years past. While this blog doesn't go into as much detail as some of those blogs have (R is cautious about what he'd like me to share), I knew that I wanted to pepper in some blog posts about what we've learned in our time so far.

Since CTC IV-14 is set to arrive in December, I figured I'd start sharing some of those tidbits. So for R's friends and family, these posts aren't necessarily for you, I apologize! 

5 quick tips to incoming cadets: (In addition to the information you receive at orientation)

  1. Don't show up to the academy without a suit. Without fail nearly every class has 1 guy show up without a jacket on the first day. You don't want to be that guy. (That being said, this is probably the only day you will need a suit at the academy. So if you don't have a suit, I recommend not buying an expensive suit. In fact, you'll probably be a few sizes different when you graduate.)
  2. Also no facial hair is allowed whatsoever. None. No matter what is said in orientation.
  3. Black swim trunks only. ONLY black, no stripe down the side, no colored accents.
  4. If you are historically a Target shopper, you will likely visit Target every weekend for the first 3 months of the academy. I recommend getting their Target Debit Red card that gives you 5% off purchases. You will buy supplies for the academy weekly. 
  5. Study your 10 codes and be as familiar with them as you can, prior to the academy. 

5 thoughts for the girlfriends/wives:

  1. Prior to entering the academy, we were warned not to publicly post too much about joining law enforcement. As an over sharer myself, this was difficult but as we all know, everything on the internet can be found.
  2. If you're reading this and you don't know me or R, there's a good chance you're already reading blogs from other cadet wives. If the blogs are quelling your fears, then continue on! If the blogs are only perpetuating your anxiety, please remember everyone's academy experience is a little different, because every cadet is different. DON'T let the blogs scare you, because chances are you will not have the exact same experience as the wife's blog you are reading.
  3. Look for a facebook group for the wives by searching your CTC number. It might take a few weeks for one to pop up but our CTC's facebook group is WONDERFUL and it's the support group we all needed. It's been vital for me to connect with other wives who understand what we are going through.
  4. It will be a big adjustment not getting to talk to your cadet until the end of his day (which is usually after 7:30-8:30 pm). Don't expect too much for the first few weeks. Know other people you can call in case you need them.
  5. Prior to the academy, I sent all our friends and family an e-mail that gave them a heads up about what we were getting into. This included the disclaimer that weekends will be R's only time of rest (as well as our only time together as a couple) so for them not to be upset if we decline future invitations for activities. It took about a month before R and I did anything besides academy-related things on the weekend, which was a BIG change for us. Prep your loved ones.
Phew, okay that's it for now. Hope that provides some insight for any prospective cadets and their significant others. Look for more of these posts in the coming weeks!


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day 77 of 186 (Week 12)

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, I'm not sure where the time has gone! I think that the weeks following the death of two local LEO's, I had to take a break from thinking about the academy. Plus R hasn't had much to share so I'll catch you up to speed now.

Week 12 has started and I'm happy to say that R is still hanging in there. Here's a few tidbits over the last few weeks:
  • They were issued their handgun and have started spending time at the range.
  • He likes the shooting so far but since he had no experience shooting guns prior to being in the academy, he admits he was awkward at first. 
  • He became certified in Spanish PMA (Physical Methods of Arrest). 
  • They've lost a few cadets in the last few weeks, due to failing the driving portion (both skidpan and high speed.
  • R had his first training for high speed and the instructor told him he did well. Crossing our fingers on passing ASAP.  
We had R's roommate over for dinner 2 Wednesdays ago, which was really nice. He's really funny and they had some great stories to share so we spent a lot of time laughing. The best/worst part about the academy is how close the cadets get and worrying about whether they'll be there at the end together. I have no doubt R and his roommates will make it to the end but I know R would be devastated if either of his roommates left so I'm just praying they make it too. 

R had restriction this Wednesday which is funny because of course it falls on the day of our 9 year anniversary! Well technically it's our dating anniversary and now we have a wedding anniversary but I digress. It was just funny how he's had every Wednesday for nearly 10 weeks except this one. I already expected it and it wasn't a big deal to me, but I think it felt like a big deal to him. He has high standards for himself, especially when it comes to Christmas, Anniversaries and Birthdays. He did have his dad drop off roses for me though, which is thoughtful as R often is. :)

I can't believe by the end of this week, we'll be on to Week 13!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Week 9 in the books!

As an unfortunately gloomy start to our week, we must acknowledge the passing of 2 Sacramento area deputies, Deputy Danny Oliver and Det. Michael David Davis. Our city mourns the loss of two brave men who gave their lives in the line of duty. I watched the news anxiously on Friday and when they reported the death of Deputy Oliver, I was surprised at how deeply I felt the loss. I wiped tears away, thinking about the families of these men, their wives and children and it gave me chills as to how prepared a family can be for this line of work but still utterly devastated when the worst happens. It's terrifying to think about and I try not to spend time dwelling on it, as I'm already a worrier by nature.

But there is a sense of family and camaraderie that comes with being part of the law enforcement family that I felt on Friday as well. The loss of a father, a husband and a son is felt deeply within the law enforcement family too. There is comfort in knowing that their loss impacts the community as a whole, as they gave their lives in the pursuit of serving others. Their sacrifice won't go unnoticed and I hope their family feels the outpouring of love and appreciation that our community feels for them.

It was painfully accurate timing with the cadets going through their "Dangers of the Job" class on Wednesday, which R admitted shook him up a bit. He came home that Wednesday a little somber and reserved, as I imagined that class stuck with him a bit. While I doubt the slides in that class were pleasant, it serves as a good reminder to the cadets that complacency is dangerous in their line of work. It drives home the fact that everything they learn in the academy is meant to prepare them to their best ability. I remember back to the initial Valley division orientation, feeling so overwhelmed with the new changes to come in our lives, but realizing that R leaving home and living at the academy was ultimately necessary for the training that will keep him alive on the job. The struggles we have, every time I push him our the door on Sunday nights, it's all meant to prepare him for the line of work he's chosen. When I remember that, it makes our goodbyes less sorrowful and more purposeful.

I admit this post has gotten a bit heavy, even for me so let's end on a few good notes. R has been evading "gigs" and bad attention so that's a positive. He's also been passing all his tests! They were issued their vests and this week they are likely to start wearing their long sleeved blues which include the tie and tie bar. It's likely he'll test for some driving test this week (I apologize I don't remember the full title but it's a form of advanced vehicle placement) and he's excited for that. He's looking unbelievably good and still dropping weight. We were listening to a song we remembered from high school and as I looked at him, I was struck with how much he looked like he did 10 years ago, when we first met. Now if only I could get back to that time too! Haha.

Lastly, we just want to say Thank You to anyone reading this blog, it means the world to us knowing R has supporters on this journey. We love you guys!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Day 55 of 186 (Week 9)

We're on to Week 9! I think the time point I'm looking forward to is getting to week 14 so I can say we're halfway there. Only 5 weeks to go until then...

I am SO relieved R passed skidpan. We have 2 more driving tests to get through and I know I'm going to be nervous for both of them. His roommates both passed skidpan too so that was a relief as well.

So the senior class of cadets graduated on Friday and I was so proud to see all the photos and videos of graduation. Only being 9 weeks in, I have the utmost respect for the cadets who make it all 27 weeks. It always makes me emotional to think about R getting to that graduation day and me getting to pin him. When I'm sad or frustrated about R being away, I try and think of that day to get me through. 

The junior cadets worked various jobs during graduation and R took up directing traffic. I can only imagine how handsome he looked in his cadet blues, greeting eager families pulling into the academy. I joked with him that I should've snuck in just to drive by and see him standing there directing cars. He mentioned there was a day care where families could leave little ones during graduation and he wished he had maybe done that job instead. He would've been great at it, kids absolutely love R. 

We were nervous this week would be a little painful, considering the senior class would be gone and all the attention would be on his cadet class. We did make sure to study the 10 codes a little harder this weekend and polish his boots extra well, just in case.

He also has liberty this Wednesday, so we're excited about that. I don't want to jinx anything so as I type this, I'm knocking on any and all surrounding wood but R has been flying under the radar lately, in terms of attracting attention, which is really good. He mentioned a cadet getting 7-8 gigs in one day last week and I had flashbacks to our Weeks 2-3 experiences with multiple gigs. Let's hope it stays this way for R!

His company (Company A) earned their flag yesterday, which is given to them by staff office. R said that was good, it means they're doing something right. 

Also, R is down 44 lbs! :) He's looking great.

So Week 9 is upon us, let's hope it goes quickly!

And Congrats to CTC II-14 on graduation, well done cadets! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Day 49 of 187 (Week 8)

I sat nervously by my phone last night and finally after 8, my phone rings.

He starts chatting so nonchalant about his day and I can feel my heart pounding as I ask him, "How did it go today?"

He passed skidpan!!!

I felt a huge sense of relief wash over me. The knots that had been in my stomach all day finally unraveled. I know it was only his 3rd attempt and technically he would have gotten a 4th attempt but just knowing we're not in that situation of "pass or go home" for skidpan really made my night. And since he passed, he gets to have liberty tonight!

I'm so incredibly proud of him and I hope you are too.

On to high speed!

P.S. It'll be a miracle if I don't have an ulcer by the end of this academy. So many difficult tests to pass and I'll be on the edge of my seat for all of them.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 48 of 187 (Week 8)

Week 8, here we come!

We had a lovely relaxing weekend, with equal parts relaxation and activity. Sunday was hard as usual but we said our goodbyes as he went back Sunday night.

Update-wise, here's a few things:
  • With the senior cadets graduating this week, the junior cadets are responsible for flag duty. Getting roped in by one of his roommates, R is a sub for flag duty now. 
  • He had his first skidpan training last week. He said it was very cool and definitely harder than it looks. 
  • He had another skidpan attempt yesterday but hasn't passed yet. So please send him good vibes, prayers and thoughts that he passes soon!
  • They got their vests and R says they make him sweat even more than he did before.
He's doing well but I think he gets pretty homesick too, like I'm sure all the cadets do. I'd encourage all of the people who know R to also shoot him a text every once in awhile, telling him to hang in there and keep him upbeat.

I'd be lying to myself  if I didn't say that I am incredibly nervous and anxious for him to pass skidpan. Skidpan is one of the driving tests that tends to knock out a high number of cadets and now that he's on his 3rd attempt, I'm just praying he passes ASAP. It's ironic that my fears coming into the academy were mostly about how badly I'd want him to stay home, and now my greatest fear is him coming home early. We have talked about what it would be like if that happened, and I make sure to tell him that A. I'd love him no matter what B. He could always give the academy another shot and C. Everything would be okay. But just knowing how disappointed R would be, we're both banking on that not happening. And I talk positive with R all of the time, we try not to dwell on the what-ifs. Sooo, positive thoughts!

It's a quite a roller coaster we're on, this road to CHP.

Please send prayers and good thoughts to R today and for the rest of this week, that he passes skidpan! <3

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 41 of 187 (Week 7)

Week 7 is here, which means at the end of this week, we'll have 20 weeks left. Crazy.

R came home for the weekend and while I went to my younger brother's football game in Elk Grove, he washed the dishes, rented some movies and brought home flowers. He is so thoughtful during our time together, even through all the things he endures. I'm a lucky wife.
  • Before he left for the weekend, he saw his name under Skidpan for Tuesday and was so excited. He called last night (Monday) and said he got bumped out likely because someone else needed to re-tesk but he was hoping he'll get to do it this week.
  • He had 3 tests coming up this week, including 1 that has a particularly low pass rate so send him good vibes for it please!
  • He practiced some of his PMA (physical methods of arrest) moves on me this weekend and they are no joke. The moves they put on you when you're getting arrested are unpleasant, take my word for it.
One of my favorite things on the weekends is seeing how much R and his roommates text each other. They've grown to be great friends. His roommate S sent him a photo with a huge bottle of wine from Costco and mentioned that he told his wife how much I apparently love wine...great, thanks for the shining reputation, R! I can't wait to meet his roommates' wives someday, they seem like wonderful ladies.

So short updates today but R has liberty tomorrow night and I'll try to get some juicy tidbits to share here later this week!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 37 of 186 (Week 6)

Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been a little MIA, it was a busy week. R came home to celebrate my birthday last Friday and it was a wonderfully busy weekend, jam packed with things to do. It was a lot of peoples' first time seeing R since he was in the academy and they could NOT get over how skinny he is now. It is a quite a shock if you haven't seen him since August.

A few updates now that we're in Week 6:

  • R started driving this week and passed Vehicle Placement. He was beyond excited about getting to drive, it was definitely his favorite part. He can't wait to drive again.
  • He had liberty the last 2 Wednesdays, which has been lovely but he doubts he'll get the next few due to a few gigs he accumulated.
  • Last week, there was a retirement event and R got to see some of his friends who are retired CHP and current CHP, which he also enjoyed.
  • They started learning Spanish and he's done well so far (which is good considering he went up to AP Spanish in high school). 
  • The Senior cadets were practicing in their tans (the official CHP uniform) yesterday which was exciting for the junior cadets to see. They graduate in less than a month!
  • This also means the junior cadets have been practicing the fountain ceremony since they'll be the ones to do it once the seniors are gone.
  • R's cadet class was visited by the uniform folks to start thinking about who they want to purchase their uniform through. Good motivation for them!  
  • We got his first full month's paycheck. :)
It's hard to believe that we're almost 1.5 months in. At the same time, I think the cadets' absence is starting to hit the wives, girlfriends and families a little more too. I'm in a closed Facebook group for R's cadet class, I've noticed other wives have been posting about how difficult it's becoming for them and their kids. I mentioned this to R last night and he said his roommate's wives have been saying the same thing. It seems like we're reaching a new threshold of discomfort to overcome but like I told R, it'll be worth it in the end. All he needs to think about is pushing through and hopefully the holidays will just make the time past faster. I know saying goodbye on Sundays and Wednesdays has been a little more difficult than it was the first 5 weeks for me personally, but my insistence at his perseverance at the academy has not changed. We know what he needs to do and we'll do whatever it takes to get there. 

The nice thing is R comes home with funny stories now so it seems like the cadet class is really bonding and getting along. He has nothing but great things to say about his cadet class. He even did some of his roommates laundry when he came home last night (since we're lucky enough for R to come home)! I found that to be really sweet.

Thank you everyone for the support and keep texting R to let him know we're here for him!


Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 4 in the books!

Sorry for the lack of posts last week but in essence, that was a good thing. Week 4 was by far R's best week, which meant no "gigs" and nothing remarkably terrible to report. Here's a few tidbits from the week though:

  • They started driving in EVOC (mostly the re-treads, aka cadets who have been in the academy before) and some of them have already passed skidpan!
  • He had another Wednesday restriction this past week but we're hoping this week will be his last one and next next Wednesday, he'll get to come home for dinner. 
  • R has not started driving yet but says he's likely to do vehicle placement this week.
  • The Commissioner came and talked to the cadets on Friday, which R enjoyed. He said he seemed very nice and that he reiterated the fact that all the CHP officers before them have been in their shoes.
  • The seniors cadets graduate mid-October so they're nearly done. Congrats CTC II-14!
  • R has lost 28 lbs so far.
  • He talks a lot about the camaraderie at the academy and how supportive all the cadets are. R struggles in the physical activities and his fellow cadets are always encouraging and uplifting him.
  • They're focusing on baton work in PMA and he was demonstrating some of the new moves they were learning.
  • With the end of week 4, we are 1 month down and 5 more to go. :)
Like I said, R was in much better shape coming home this weekend than he was the past 3 weekends. This was also the first weekend we went out and saw people again, as opposed to staying in. We've gotten into the swing of things which means we can spend more time together and less time prepping all weekend, which is really nice. 

Can you believe we're starting week 5?!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 3 in the books!

I feel like I may have jinxed poor R with my last blog post (when I said the first half of the week is hardest for him, compared to the latter half) because Friday was an absolute nightmare for him. He received more "gigs" (the penalty system at the academy, for when you don't follow a rule) which means he's lost more Wednesday liberty down the line. It'll probably be a solid month before I see R on a Wednesday.

He came home upset about how Friday went down and this past week was rougher for him than the previous 2. Not sure if it was the homesickness or unwanted attention he's receiving but R came home more dejected and defeated than usual.

I look back on some of the concerns and worries I had prior to R going into the academy and I was way off the mark. I didn't think I was emotionally capable of going through the everyday motions without contact with R and now I know I can, which gives me new confidence in myself. I was also worried that R would be so busy working and enjoying the academy (or that his personality would be changing), that maybe we wouldn't connect the way we used to, which is also completely wrong. I feel like this has strengthened our marriage. He's learning to lean on me in ways I never imagined he would have to and I'm able to be that pillar for him. Bottom line is that for me, it's much easier than I imagined and for R, it's much harder than we could have ever dreamed.

But I'm also so much more sure that this is the right path for R. Being a CHP officer is what he's meant to do. Every night, I hear his tired voice and listen patiently to his struggles but I don't let him slide so far down the negative path that he can't climb out. This is the hardest thing he's ever had to do. It's mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting on him everyday for 12-15 hours a day. But I won't let him give up, and I know he won't either. Feel free to shoot him a text and tell him to keep pushing too.

Bad week aside, we had a wonderful weekend. He's dropped SO much weight already, and it's evident in his face and his arms. I think by the end of the academy, he will have easily lost 60-70 lbs. We did his laundry, ran some errands and studied for his Monday EVOC test. I'm hoping they get to do some EVOC driving this week because I know that will boost R's morale up. We also talked a lot about perspective, and how R would try to be more positive throughout the week. He said, "Well if I'm going to be there anyways, I might as well try to enjoy it," which I commended him for. I told him that every morning he gets up, he should celebrate the fact that he's still there and still pushing through. His dedication to staying there is an achievement and he should feel that way about it.

Sorry I don't have more updates than that. The best update is that he went back to the academy last night to push through another week and that's enough for now.

Week 3 in the books, here's to hoping week 4 is a better one!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 18 of 186 (Week 3)

It is crazy how a week can feel like it's moving simultaneously fast and slow. Some days seemed to drag on (for R especially), but I can't believe it's Friday already!

The latter half of the week always seems more tolerable for R especially as we get closer to Friday. Wednesday night was a bit rough, considering he would have had Wednesday liberty but R and a good number of cadets were unable to partake (part of that unwanted attention he received last week). They were given written work to do on Wednesday night, instead of having a chance to eat dinner off campus so needless to say Wednesday was not his favorite. 

Here's a few updates I've gotten from Wednesday and Thursday of Week 3:
  • On top of getting to experience skidpan, they had a chance to be in the car on the EVOC track doing high speed. He said the instructors didn't go full speed but probably a good 100 mph which all of the cadets loved. It was the highlight of the week.
  • After a pep talk we had this weekend, he improved on his run time! :)
  • The cadets have started baton work.
  • This is the weekend that the Senior cadets get to do ride alongs at their new field offices.  
  • Which also means today (Friday) is the first day that the junior cadets are at the academy solo... R said was going to be interesting. He spent extra time perfecting this uniform last night.
  • To end on a good note, he was approached yesterday with a knowledge question and he knew the right answer. 
There were definitely a few moments this week I had to really up the encouragement levels to lift R up. I think week 3 and week 4 are probably among the hardest because they're finally settling into the routine and the novelty adrenaline has probably worn off, but they also haven't been doing it long enough for their bodies to completely adjust. I told him by this time next week, he will have been in the academy for nearly a month (26 days) so his body will likely be adapted to the lack of sleep by then. He did say he was already starting to wake up before his alarm so that's a good sign. I try my best to look on the bright side for him, when I know it's hard for him to see it. 

He seemed more relaxed on the phone in the evenings, and I enjoy hearing the fun banter between him and his roommates. Apparently he gets made fun of for saying the world "hella" on the phone with me (which historically is a Northern California-specific word of emphasis, that people from SoCal always make fun of) and for not remembering the 80s (being too young). His roommates are the closest cadets R is friends with at the academy, so I enjoy hearing that they get some time to laugh together.  

Can't wait to see him tonight! Can't believe we're another week down..

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 16 of 186 (Week 3)

It's hard to believe we're already halfway through Week 3!

So based on what I know so far, it seems like Mondays are the hardest days for R. I think a lot of it has to do with readjusting from the weekend and the fact they always have PT (Physical Training) on Mondays. I've told R repeatedly that if he feels like he needs to stay at the academy on the weekends that he should but he gives me this look of absolute horror and always says, "I need the weekends too, trust me." 

R said Monday was a physically exhausting day for him but the good news is he called around 1950 so at least they seemed to finish up earlier that day. When R called last night (Tuesday), he sounded much more upbeat and he said it was a good day. I got a few small updates from the last few days to share here:
  • On Monday they started EVOC and all the cadets got to ride in a car to experience skidpan. R said all the cadets had huge smiles on their faces when they stepped out of the cars.
  • R won't have Wednesday liberty this week but he's feeling okay about it since he already knew he wouldn't. 
  • They had two PMA (Physical Methods of Arrest) sessions yesterday.
  • R says his favorite thing about the academy is the camaraderie the cadets have with each other. They really feel like they're all in this together (versus competing with each other), and he enjoys that.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 2 in the books!

R got home on Friday around 1800 hours and he was SO glad to be home. I asked him if he thought this week was harder than week 1 and he said it was, in some ways. He's happy to know what to expect (for the most part) and the anxiousness of not knowing what is to come is gone. But he said even having that knowledge doesn't necessarily make the academy any easier. If anything it's potentially harder because they are now expected to know more of the rules. Here are some tidbits I can share with you:

  • He's passed all his tests so far. :)
  • They've been given their belts (with the baton, so now that requires polishing too).
  • They do PT 3 days a week now.
  • He said classroom time is his favorite so far.
  • He really likes the academy classroom instructors.
  • They start EVOC classroom training this week (Emergency Vehicles Operations Course) which R is excited about.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 10 of 186 (Week 2)

Tuesday was fairly uneventful at the academy, which is a good thing. R said it was much better than Monday, luckily.

On top of that, we were pleasantly surprised that Wednesday night liberty (liberty meaning they get to leave the academy) started this week! So last night, I got to have dinner with R and his two roommates. They were such nice guys. One of them is from San Diego, while the other one is from (I think) Atascadero. We talked about their hometowns and hopes for after the academy. They're both older than R (in their 30s) and have 2 kids. They're really nice guys and I felt a lot of relief knowing R was in good hands at the academy too.

After dinner, R came back to see the puppies with me before heading back and I made sure to ask him for some details to share on the blog:

  • R forgot a rule while walking around the academy, so he gained a little bit of unwanted attention.
  • He was also assigned a "job" that involves rounding things up from the other cadets.
  • They have a spelling test tomorrow.
  • Training table started today, and most of the cadets are on it.
  • That means they need to record everything they eat Monday-Friday and submit it to the staff. 
  • The senior cadet class received their assignments this week! :)
  • Their PT schedule this week is Mon, Wed, Fri. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 8 of 186 (Week 2)

I felt a little guilty we had the day off yesterday (Labor day) while R had his first day back at the academy. I thought of him especially in the morning since they had PT at 445.

I spent most of the day lounging around at home in Elk Grove with my family.

I heard from R around 2024 and he sounded somewhat upset. Turns out one of the shirts we did on Sunday was incorrect (an honest mistake, one detail of the shirt was wrong). He received his first penalty and was pretty disappointed. I reassured him that we would learn from our mistakes (we'll check in more often with the other cadets) and that mistakes are bound to happen. Besides learning from it, the only thing he can really do is to continue to commit 100% to this process. Tomorrow is another chance to prove to himself and do his best.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Week 1 in the books!

R came home on Friday afternoon somewhere around 1800 for a little over 48 glorious hours. I spent all Thursday and Friday cleaning up the apartment and getting dinner ready for his first meal home (homemade chicken breast nuggets, my healthy answer to his childhood obsession with fast food). He was so excited to tell me about how his week went and it was so nice to finally get face to face conversation.

  • First off, he shaved his mustache! For the first time in his life!
  • They had their first classroom test on Friday (R said he felt like he did well) 
  • They also had their first run on Friday (R said he could have done better)
  • R sweats so much, he's been recommended to wear 3 undershirts.
  • He noticed how foreign it felt to drive home from the academy on Friday, since they don't drive all week.
  • He also said he knew some cadets flew home or even drove home all the way to San Diego. 
  • All the cadets are called by their last name
  • Both of his roommates are nice and have 2 kids each. (Kudos to any of the families who go through this with children, I seriously tip my hats to you.) They were texting each other during liberty, which I thought was sweet. 
  • He said one of the things that gets him through the week is when the officers say, "This isn't the job, this is just training for the job," to keep them from giving up.
  • He said by far, the best way to reach him is via text message. He has difficulty checking voicemails or doing any form of social media until the weekend, but texts he can usually read that night.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Days 3 and 4 of 187 (Week 1)

I figure there will be days where nothing new happens for R nor I so it's unlikely I'll blog everyday, but I'll do what I can.

Wednesday was a harder day for me, I think it finally sank in that R would be away more often than he would be present, for at least the next 6 months. To top it all off, our adorable puppy Hunter released what seemed like a liter of puppy pee in bed, so it was just icing on the unhappy cake yesterday. I had a long talk with some girlfriends that helped me realize how much I need to lean on others during this time. I have to unload some of the emotional responsibility R would usually have, on others so that I don't keep things pent up, or feel alone. That's a big adjustment for me, because I do tend to keep things to myself or only share them with R. Doable though, and ultimately necessary.

I did get to talk to R on Wednesday, but his reception is bad so it seems like we spent a lot of time playing the "can you hear me?" game. He seemed tired but there wasn't much different from his first two days. I knew he wouldn't have Wednesday liberty (meaning being able to leave the CHP campus for a few hours that night) and probably won't have it for the next few weeks. I adopted the lowered expectations of assuming Wednesday is no different than the other days, so that when he gets Wednesdays off, it'll seem like a treat.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 2 of 186 (Week 1)

So I realize now this will probably be a bit confusing but when I post, I'll be posting about R's day prior. Meaning the posts will be a day behind of R's real time schedule. For instance, the day you read this post will be Day 3 in the academy but I'm posting about Day 2.

I was really excited to receive texts from two of R's friends who mentioned the CHP Recruiting Facebook page and the start of a new CTC III-14 album. And R is prominently shown in one of the photos! It was very surreal seeing him in the cadet blues, with the rest of his cadet class.It's exciting though, and although I don't want to post the picture here, it's a public album on the "CHP Recruting" page if you're interested.

Our first night apart was a smidge rough. Our dog Shay was unbelievably restless all night, I could feel her pacing all over the bed. Part of it might be that we stayed at my parents house in an unfamiliar bed. But we've stayed in hotel rooms before, and it's not like my parent's house is "new" to her, we go there weekly. She kept sitting by the door, glaring at me and it just felt like she was waiting for R to come home. I'm hopeful we have more sleep filled nights to come.
R called at 21:50 and we got a decent amount of phone time tonight! He sounded really alert and not as tired today, which was nice to hear. It sounded like they had more time tonight to take care of nighttime duties "aka free time" but there's always lots to do in the academy so we kept it short. Here's what I got:
  • He confirmed that he was wearing pants so big yesterday that he was indeed wearing 2 belts.
  • The good news is that he was able to switch pants so they fit today.
  • He seemed to really like him roommates, direct quote:"everyone is cool."
  • He said the food was good (which surprised me) but their body fat hadn't been tested yet so no one was on the "training table" diet yet. So the food will likely change for him soon.
  • But he also said he was surprised by his lack of hunger. 
  • They got their brass today and he's working on learning how to polish
  • They're doing a lot of hiring forms right now in the classroom, so its not really bad yet.
  • He said, "You don't realize how heavy your book is until you're holding it above your head."

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 1 of 186 (Week 1)

All night, anytime my phone made a sound, my stomach would do a little flip. As I started to settle into bed, I prepared myself for not hearing from him and strangely enough, I felt at peace with that. [Maybe it's the fact I still saw him leave this morning, you can ask me again in 3 days if I feel just as "peaceful"]. But at 22:26, I saw his caller ID pop up and I didn't even let my phone get to the 2nd ring.

I knew from prior wife blogs that the first day, they're lucky if they get a 2 minute call. I got exactly 51 seconds and I couldn't be happier.

Monday, August 25, 2014

FAQ on R and the CHP Academy

For our friends and family who weren't able to attend the orientations, I just wanted to give some background on what the CHP academy is like.

( Here is an UPDATED FAQ written from Week 20. The information below was written before the academy, although a lot of it is still true, there are some differences.)

What are the logistics?
R will be living at the West Sacramento facility Monday-Friday with some availability to go home on the weekends (and possibly Wednesday evenings, although that is always tentative). He will take multiple tests (academic, driving, shooting, etc) and if all goes well, he will graduate in late February 2015. After that, we are assigned to a division office anywhere in California.

What is the CHP academy like?
He will be up as early as 4:00 am to train physically, sit through multiple classes a day (Hours-wise, they get 2 years of college education compressed into 6 months), take numerous tests weekly, spend hours practicing skills and at the end of the night, they get their uniform ready for the next day. It's a full day (usually around 12-15 hours long) from start to finish.

The CHP academy is similar to having a full time job, taking a full load of college classes, living in a dorm without freedom to come/go during the week and training for a tough mudder nearly everyday for 6 months, all at the same time.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Family Orientation

So today was the family orientation for CTC III-14 and it was very informative.

While we had gotten almost all the same info from the Valley Division orientation last week, it made it feel so real, seeing all the cadets in their suits and shaved heads.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Welcome to our newest chapter

Hi there,

First off, welcome! I'm E and a soon-to-be-cadet's wife. My cadet will be referred to as R, and I'm guessing most of the people reading this blog know who we are.

R was invited into CTC-III-14 (the name of his cadet class) at the CHP Academy starting on Monday, August 25, 2014. Getting an invitation into the academy was a long road and it wasn't easy. Months of background checks, a myriad of tests (including a rigorous physical test) and evaluations are done to ensure the highest quality of cadets. For both R and I, the journey has been about 2 years in the making so we're so excited to finally be at this point!

This road hasn't been without its doubts. When R told me he was interested in becoming a CHP officer, it took me awhile to accept the life path he wanted to lead us down. And if I'm being honest, there will always be reservations in my mind because being in law enforcement has its risks, with R's safety always being the top one. But this is what he wants to do, and I support him wholeheartedly in chasing that dream. I also have faith that his intense training at the academy will put him in the best shape of his life, mentally and physically to do the job at hand. I'm already dreaming of that pinning ceremony in February 2015... :)

For our friends and family, as well as ourselves, this will be a time of adjustment. R is the type of guy who is always there for everyone; answering computer/phone/internet questions, helping friends move, offering to DD and the list goes on. Now, it's our turn to be there for him. I'll have more info on how to do that in my next post.

So welcome along on our newest life chapter! The next 6 months will be quite difficult for R but God willing, it will result in him graduating from one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the world!

Please pray for him, keep him in your thoughts and wish him all the best! Feel free to comment on all our posts, I'll make sure to read them to him on the weekends. :)
