Starting on August 25, 2014, R began his journey to becoming an officer in the California Highway Patrol. He joined CTC III-14 along with 135 cadets for the 27 week journey to graduation. We're overjoyed that R got this opportunity and eager to see where it leads us.
I'm E, R's wife and main author of the blog you see here. R and I have been together for almost 9 years (but newlyweds as of June 2014) and I'm unbelievably excited to support him as we embark on this new chapter of our lives. We met in high school, started dating our senior year and haven't looked back since. We currently have no children but we do have 2 pups Hunter and Shay, who we spoil to death. We're lucky enough to live in Northern California, very close to West Sac where the academy is located. My role in this academy process is to keep R motivated, write blogs for our loved ones to read and to DVR all the shows (and football games) he will want to catch up on eventually. :)
I started this blog primarily to update our friends and family but I also want to share general knowledge and tips about the academy. When R got through the extensive backgrounds process for CHP, I instantly needed any and all information I could find online about the academy and CHP life. I wanted us both to be prepared for the long journey ahead and that started with a google search. I was lucky enough to stumble upon other CHP wives blogs, which gave me great insight into the academy but also great comfort in the various ways of coping with our cadets being away. Having the knowledge first hand from other wives who have enduring the 6 month academy was an enormous help to me. I knew if R made it into the academy, I also wanted to write a blog to hopefully help others in the same way.
So thank you for being interested in R's journey, here's to our next chapter!