Since CTC IV-14 is set to arrive in December, I figured I'd start sharing some of those tidbits. So for R's friends and family, these posts aren't necessarily for you, I apologize!
5 quick tips to incoming cadets: (In addition to the information you receive at orientation)
- Don't show up to the academy without a suit. Without fail nearly every class has 1 guy show up without a jacket on the first day. You don't want to be that guy. (That being said, this is probably the only day you will need a suit at the academy. So if you don't have a suit, I recommend not buying an expensive suit. In fact, you'll probably be a few sizes different when you graduate.)
- Also no facial hair is allowed whatsoever. None. No matter what is said in orientation.
- Black swim trunks only. ONLY black, no stripe down the side, no colored accents.
- If you are historically a Target shopper, you will likely visit Target every weekend for the first 3 months of the academy. I recommend getting their Target Debit Red card that gives you 5% off purchases. You will buy supplies for the academy weekly.
- Study your 10 codes and be as familiar with them as you can, prior to the academy.
5 thoughts for the girlfriends/wives:
- Prior to entering the academy, we were warned not to publicly post too much about joining law enforcement. As an over sharer myself, this was difficult but as we all know, everything on the internet can be found.
- If you're reading this and you don't know me or R, there's a good chance you're already reading blogs from other cadet wives. If the blogs are quelling your fears, then continue on! If the blogs are only perpetuating your anxiety, please remember everyone's academy experience is a little different, because every cadet is different. DON'T let the blogs scare you, because chances are you will not have the exact same experience as the wife's blog you are reading.
- Look for a facebook group for the wives by searching your CTC number. It might take a few weeks for one to pop up but our CTC's facebook group is WONDERFUL and it's the support group we all needed. It's been vital for me to connect with other wives who understand what we are going through.
- It will be a big adjustment not getting to talk to your cadet until the end of his day (which is usually after 7:30-8:30 pm). Don't expect too much for the first few weeks. Know other people you can call in case you need them.
- Prior to the academy, I sent all our friends and family an e-mail that gave them a heads up about what we were getting into. This included the disclaimer that weekends will be R's only time of rest (as well as our only time together as a couple) so for them not to be upset if we decline future invitations for activities. It took about a month before R and I did anything besides academy-related things on the weekend, which was a BIG change for us. Prep your loved ones.
Phew, okay that's it for now. Hope that provides some insight for any prospective cadets and their significant others. Look for more of these posts in the coming weeks!
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