Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 15, here we go!

I cannot believe it's week 15! What a whirlwind.

It's been a busy few weeks for R and I. 2 weekends ago now, we took our first weekend trip (in 3 months! If you know R and I, you know that's a long break in trips. We venture out of town often). R flew down to Anaheim to join my sister and I on a Disneyland trip. We booked his flight for Friday night and then he flew back Sunday afternoon. While in Anaheim, he also had the opportunity to see many of his former coworkers and friends, who were so excited to see him. Many of them were instrumental in R's decision to go for CHP and for that we are eternally grateful. He's fortunate to be surrounded by so many excellent role models in the law enforcement field and I know we couldn't do it without their support! It's always really fun to see everyone's reaction to R because he's down over 50 lbs since he started 3 months ago so it always takes everyone by surprise. I know he misses his old coworkers quite a bit and it was such a treat to see them together again.

Then we had Thanksgiving week and the cadets got 2 extra days off to make it a long holiday weekend! We had 4 glorious days together, most of which was spent with family and cuddled in bed with our dogs. Honestly, it was extra difficult to get R to go back on Sunday and from what I'd heard from other cadet wives, he wasn't the only one. R needed a lot of extra encouragement to keep his spirits up on Sunday night and I was more than happy to give him that needed push out the door.

I think I've said this before but what has surprised me most about our experience with the CHP academy is how easy it is for me to push R to head back every Sunday night. In 15 weeks, we've had our share of tearful goodbyes and I treasure every single second we get together but I feel it with my entire being that R is meant to be an officer, and that gives me the motivation to make sure he packs his bags every weekend. And there are so many weeks that I know if I gave R just an inkling I wanted him to stay, he might do it. But that's not going to happen. Not on my watch. We're making it to the end!

Anyhoots, here's the latest update:

  • The biggest and best update is that R passed HIGH SPEED!!! He had his 3rd attempt on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and when he got home and told me he passed, there were tears in my eyes. Now we're 1 away from the EVOC tests being over with.
  • For anyone wondering, at high speed R was driving around 120 mph.
  • He also passed the PPP, which is a physical test of some kind. He was super proud about that.
  • They've been spending a lot of time at range and R has shot at least 3 types of guns already. 
  • The new cadet class comes in next Monday. Can't wait to welcome CTC IV-14!
  • They're testing for PMA (arresting) this Thursday and Friday, send them all your good vibes.
  • He is no longer the cadet with the highest BMI. ;) 
And R has Wednesday liberty so I'll see him tomorrow night! Can't wait. 

Thanks for reading!

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