Monday, December 22, 2014

Week 18!

Holy cow, can you believe it's week 18? Sorry for the lack of updates recently, R and I have been ALL over the place. We looked at each other this weekend and realized we haven't spent more than 20 hours in our apartment together at any given time in over a month. Just busy bees during the holiday season!

Anyways, R has had such a fantastic month at the academy and I have so much great news to share with you all.

  • R is officially done with ALL driving tests! He passed 11-99 a few weeks ago so we can officially cross driving off our list.
  • R also passed the 3 major tests at range in his first attempts. Pistol, shotgun and AR 15. So so so proud considering R had never shot a gun before entering the academy!
  • He also passed basic stop and felony stop. 
  • Up next we have scenarios in the coming weeks, so continue praying for R on that front.
  • They got OC (Pepper) sprayed on Wednesday of last week. It was painful for them, to say the least. But in all honesty, they were all whooping it up together afterwards, I think it's a good bonding experience... haha. 
  • They will get tased this Tuesday!
And the best news of all is that they get 2 days off for Christmas! So R will get to come home on Wednesday night. Very very excited about 4 days off in a row again. We plan to have lots of family and friend time Wed-Fri but the weekend, we're going to take some much needed time to ourselves. 

The unfortunate side of the academy is that the number of cadets in CTC III-14 is officially under 100. It's getting harder for the cadets to say goodbye to each other after 4 months together, but it is a sad reality. I am happy to say R's roommates are still hanging in there too, which I'm so grateful for.

So those are our updates prior to Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful time with your families this holiday season!

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