Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 1 of 186 (Week 1)

All night, anytime my phone made a sound, my stomach would do a little flip. As I started to settle into bed, I prepared myself for not hearing from him and strangely enough, I felt at peace with that. [Maybe it's the fact I still saw him leave this morning, you can ask me again in 3 days if I feel just as "peaceful"]. But at 22:26, I saw his caller ID pop up and I didn't even let my phone get to the 2nd ring.

I knew from prior wife blogs that the first day, they're lucky if they get a 2 minute call. I got exactly 51 seconds and I couldn't be happier.

He sounded exhausted but he got a few little bits in:

  • He said he's definitely the largest guy there and was singled out a few times. (Something we knew was a strong possibility.)
  • His uniform did come in (which we were SUPER worried about, since he got a late invitation)
  • But the pants are maybe 4 sizes too big and he may have said "I'm wearing 2 belts".
  • He said his roommates are nice.
  • Direct quote: "It's crazy"

He also managed to ask me how my day was, which I sorta laughed at and proceeded to ask him about his day. It doesn't surprise me that R would still be considerate enough to ask about me on what was probably the craziest day of his life (so far).

And for records sake, the cadet's day went from 07:30 - 22:26 hours. That's a 15 hour day.

Also, I just want to recognize all the friends and family who took time out of their day to check on me. I am so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life to support me, as I support him. Truly, eternally grateful for all of you. There will be much more difficult days to come and I'm lucky to have so many people to lean on in this crazy process.

Please continue to keep R in your thoughts and prayers!



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