Friday, August 29, 2014

Days 3 and 4 of 187 (Week 1)

I figure there will be days where nothing new happens for R nor I so it's unlikely I'll blog everyday, but I'll do what I can.

Wednesday was a harder day for me, I think it finally sank in that R would be away more often than he would be present, for at least the next 6 months. To top it all off, our adorable puppy Hunter released what seemed like a liter of puppy pee in bed, so it was just icing on the unhappy cake yesterday. I had a long talk with some girlfriends that helped me realize how much I need to lean on others during this time. I have to unload some of the emotional responsibility R would usually have, on others so that I don't keep things pent up, or feel alone. That's a big adjustment for me, because I do tend to keep things to myself or only share them with R. Doable though, and ultimately necessary.

I did get to talk to R on Wednesday, but his reception is bad so it seems like we spent a lot of time playing the "can you hear me?" game. He seemed tired but there wasn't much different from his first two days. I knew he wouldn't have Wednesday liberty (meaning being able to leave the CHP campus for a few hours that night) and probably won't have it for the next few weeks. I adopted the lowered expectations of assuming Wednesday is no different than the other days, so that when he gets Wednesdays off, it'll seem like a treat.

Thursday was a better day overall, maybe because we're settling into a routine and a majority of the week is over so that means Friday (and getting to see R) is closer!

As the night came to an end, I remembered that on another blog I read, there was at least 1 day in the first week they didn't call home, so I started thinking that might be Thursday. But luckily, his name popped up on caller id and we had our first decently long talk.

  • They had their first day of PT today, which R said was rough. 
  • He said he had never been more sweaty than he was during PT today.
  • They have a test tomorrow, and he was studying for it tonight.
  • But he said studying and all the uniform prep is squeezed into whatever time you have left at the end of the day, which is very little.
  • They have been getting up at 4 am everyday. 
  • He mentioned drills for the first time, and that when the sun hits their boots, it makes them feel really hot.
  • And they have to make their bed every morning. (I wonder if he'll make it on the weekends ;) )
We also talked quite a bit about my day, which made our conversation feel a lot more normal than it had the past 3 nights. I realized as much as I want to hear about his day, he enjoys the normalcy of hearing about how our pups are doing, and the way things are going in the outside world. We laughed about the fact that I'm terrified we're officially out of rawhides for our dogs, because those are the only things that keep them distracted enough for me to accomplish anything in our apartment. 

Overall our conversation on Thursday was just more lighthearted knowing we will be seeing each other Friday, which I am absolutely over the moon about. I know there will be times he won't have weekend liberty but considering this week was a major departure from what normal life was for us, I NEED THIS WEEKEND. I know we'll be busy running errands and picking things up he needs, but just getting to talk to him in real time will be the biggest treat in the world.

And with that, we are nearly done with Week 1! 

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