Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 37 of 186 (Week 6)

Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been a little MIA, it was a busy week. R came home to celebrate my birthday last Friday and it was a wonderfully busy weekend, jam packed with things to do. It was a lot of peoples' first time seeing R since he was in the academy and they could NOT get over how skinny he is now. It is a quite a shock if you haven't seen him since August.

A few updates now that we're in Week 6:

  • R started driving this week and passed Vehicle Placement. He was beyond excited about getting to drive, it was definitely his favorite part. He can't wait to drive again.
  • He had liberty the last 2 Wednesdays, which has been lovely but he doubts he'll get the next few due to a few gigs he accumulated.
  • Last week, there was a retirement event and R got to see some of his friends who are retired CHP and current CHP, which he also enjoyed.
  • They started learning Spanish and he's done well so far (which is good considering he went up to AP Spanish in high school). 
  • The Senior cadets were practicing in their tans (the official CHP uniform) yesterday which was exciting for the junior cadets to see. They graduate in less than a month!
  • This also means the junior cadets have been practicing the fountain ceremony since they'll be the ones to do it once the seniors are gone.
  • R's cadet class was visited by the uniform folks to start thinking about who they want to purchase their uniform through. Good motivation for them!  
  • We got his first full month's paycheck. :)
It's hard to believe that we're almost 1.5 months in. At the same time, I think the cadets' absence is starting to hit the wives, girlfriends and families a little more too. I'm in a closed Facebook group for R's cadet class, I've noticed other wives have been posting about how difficult it's becoming for them and their kids. I mentioned this to R last night and he said his roommate's wives have been saying the same thing. It seems like we're reaching a new threshold of discomfort to overcome but like I told R, it'll be worth it in the end. All he needs to think about is pushing through and hopefully the holidays will just make the time past faster. I know saying goodbye on Sundays and Wednesdays has been a little more difficult than it was the first 5 weeks for me personally, but my insistence at his perseverance at the academy has not changed. We know what he needs to do and we'll do whatever it takes to get there. 

The nice thing is R comes home with funny stories now so it seems like the cadet class is really bonding and getting along. He has nothing but great things to say about his cadet class. He even did some of his roommates laundry when he came home last night (since we're lucky enough for R to come home)! I found that to be really sweet.

Thank you everyone for the support and keep texting R to let him know we're here for him!


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