Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 4 in the books!

Sorry for the lack of posts last week but in essence, that was a good thing. Week 4 was by far R's best week, which meant no "gigs" and nothing remarkably terrible to report. Here's a few tidbits from the week though:

  • They started driving in EVOC (mostly the re-treads, aka cadets who have been in the academy before) and some of them have already passed skidpan!
  • He had another Wednesday restriction this past week but we're hoping this week will be his last one and next next Wednesday, he'll get to come home for dinner. 
  • R has not started driving yet but says he's likely to do vehicle placement this week.
  • The Commissioner came and talked to the cadets on Friday, which R enjoyed. He said he seemed very nice and that he reiterated the fact that all the CHP officers before them have been in their shoes.
  • The seniors cadets graduate mid-October so they're nearly done. Congrats CTC II-14!
  • R has lost 28 lbs so far.
  • He talks a lot about the camaraderie at the academy and how supportive all the cadets are. R struggles in the physical activities and his fellow cadets are always encouraging and uplifting him.
  • They're focusing on baton work in PMA and he was demonstrating some of the new moves they were learning.
  • With the end of week 4, we are 1 month down and 5 more to go. :)
Like I said, R was in much better shape coming home this weekend than he was the past 3 weekends. This was also the first weekend we went out and saw people again, as opposed to staying in. We've gotten into the swing of things which means we can spend more time together and less time prepping all weekend, which is really nice. 

Can you believe we're starting week 5?!

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