Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 10 of 186 (Week 2)

Tuesday was fairly uneventful at the academy, which is a good thing. R said it was much better than Monday, luckily.

On top of that, we were pleasantly surprised that Wednesday night liberty (liberty meaning they get to leave the academy) started this week! So last night, I got to have dinner with R and his two roommates. They were such nice guys. One of them is from San Diego, while the other one is from (I think) Atascadero. We talked about their hometowns and hopes for after the academy. They're both older than R (in their 30s) and have 2 kids. They're really nice guys and I felt a lot of relief knowing R was in good hands at the academy too.

After dinner, R came back to see the puppies with me before heading back and I made sure to ask him for some details to share on the blog:

  • R forgot a rule while walking around the academy, so he gained a little bit of unwanted attention.
  • He was also assigned a "job" that involves rounding things up from the other cadets.
  • They have a spelling test tomorrow.
  • Training table started today, and most of the cadets are on it.
  • That means they need to record everything they eat Monday-Friday and submit it to the staff. 
  • The senior cadet class received their assignments this week! :)
  • Their PT schedule this week is Mon, Wed, Fri. 

I think this week has been harder for R than week 1 was. He's definitely struggling with the sleep deprivation more than anything else, with a close second being the physical activity (and possibly the unwanted attention from the staff). I keep reminding him how temporary this situation is and keeping his spirits up as often as I can. I know in my heart he can do this so I'm doing everything I can to remind him of that.

In meeting his roommates today, I realized how fortunate R and I are to live so close to the academy. The fact he only has a 15-20 minute drive to come home is a blessing compared to his roommates who drive 4.5 hours or even 8-9 hours to see their families in their short 48 hour liberty on the weekend. Also, I realized not every CHP significant other gets to move with their cadet once they get their assignment. It never even dawned on me that I wouldn't move with R whenever the time came but families that have children or mortgages would struggle with that. I'm just even more grateful R decided to make this career change at a time when our lives can be so easily changed and packed up. We are so fortunate in that sense. 

Less than 48 hours until I see R again for weekend liberty! Overall, I'd say week 2 has been much easier for me, but I wish I could say the same for R. Hopefully his Thursday and Friday go smoothly.


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