Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 16 of 186 (Week 3)

It's hard to believe we're already halfway through Week 3!

So based on what I know so far, it seems like Mondays are the hardest days for R. I think a lot of it has to do with readjusting from the weekend and the fact they always have PT (Physical Training) on Mondays. I've told R repeatedly that if he feels like he needs to stay at the academy on the weekends that he should but he gives me this look of absolute horror and always says, "I need the weekends too, trust me." 

R said Monday was a physically exhausting day for him but the good news is he called around 1950 so at least they seemed to finish up earlier that day. When R called last night (Tuesday), he sounded much more upbeat and he said it was a good day. I got a few small updates from the last few days to share here:
  • On Monday they started EVOC and all the cadets got to ride in a car to experience skidpan. R said all the cadets had huge smiles on their faces when they stepped out of the cars.
  • R won't have Wednesday liberty this week but he's feeling okay about it since he already knew he wouldn't. 
  • They had two PMA (Physical Methods of Arrest) sessions yesterday.
  • R says his favorite thing about the academy is the camaraderie the cadets have with each other. They really feel like they're all in this together (versus competing with each other), and he enjoys that.
R has definitely dropped some weight, although we don't have a good baseline to judge it off. We know his weight from his last physical during the background check (which was probably in late July) and as of last week, he'd only lost 1 lb from that weight. But I feel like he already looks so much smaller, which is GREAT news because PT will only get easier as he drops the weight. I pray that starts getting easier for him because I know he really struggles on those days.

Although we're only 3 weeks in, I think I'm really starting to grasp my role in R's process at the academy. Although the power to stay does rest with him, he needs to hear encouragement from me daily on why we are doing this and how this will benefit us in the long run. My job is to constantly remind him to take it a day at a time, and to know that the academy is just training, this isn't what the job will be like everyday. I have to keep him focused on the end goal of graduating and starting a lifelong career he will love. 

He also remembers each text he's gotten from coworkers or friends who are sending him support and I know he's grateful for them. So thank you for those of you who have reached out to him or I, we can't thank you enough. 

3 more days until the weekend! 


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