Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 48 of 187 (Week 8)

Week 8, here we come!

We had a lovely relaxing weekend, with equal parts relaxation and activity. Sunday was hard as usual but we said our goodbyes as he went back Sunday night.

Update-wise, here's a few things:
  • With the senior cadets graduating this week, the junior cadets are responsible for flag duty. Getting roped in by one of his roommates, R is a sub for flag duty now. 
  • He had his first skidpan training last week. He said it was very cool and definitely harder than it looks. 
  • He had another skidpan attempt yesterday but hasn't passed yet. So please send him good vibes, prayers and thoughts that he passes soon!
  • They got their vests and R says they make him sweat even more than he did before.
He's doing well but I think he gets pretty homesick too, like I'm sure all the cadets do. I'd encourage all of the people who know R to also shoot him a text every once in awhile, telling him to hang in there and keep him upbeat.

I'd be lying to myself  if I didn't say that I am incredibly nervous and anxious for him to pass skidpan. Skidpan is one of the driving tests that tends to knock out a high number of cadets and now that he's on his 3rd attempt, I'm just praying he passes ASAP. It's ironic that my fears coming into the academy were mostly about how badly I'd want him to stay home, and now my greatest fear is him coming home early. We have talked about what it would be like if that happened, and I make sure to tell him that A. I'd love him no matter what B. He could always give the academy another shot and C. Everything would be okay. But just knowing how disappointed R would be, we're both banking on that not happening. And I talk positive with R all of the time, we try not to dwell on the what-ifs. Sooo, positive thoughts!

It's a quite a roller coaster we're on, this road to CHP.

Please send prayers and good thoughts to R today and for the rest of this week, that he passes skidpan! <3

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