Thursday, May 14, 2015

Phase 2 of Break-in

Every week I turn to R and say, "I really should update that blog soon." Well better late than never right?

So we're actually closer to the end of Phase 2 (Phases being 15 working days long) and we did indeed switch to graves. For his particular office, he works from 5:00 pm to 5:00 am. We got lucky enough that he started graves on a Tuesday (after a weekend) so the transition was easier than we thought it'd be. We simply stayed up as late as we could, which for us was 4:00 am that day and then slept until 1 pm. And yes, I switched to his sleep schedule too. Since my job allows me flexible hours to work at anytime, we didn't see any reason to keep separate schedules. Might as well roll with it while we can!

We calculated it and R gets more sleep on graves. During the day shift, we would stay up later than we should for various reasons but on graves, we sleep ASAP.We also generally sleep better on graves. The only caveat was those first few days before we bought blackout curtains. One of the reasons we fell in love with our apartment was the numerous windows and amount of natural light, but it's not quite as desirable on graves. Working graves? BUY BLACKOUT CURTAINS!

The downside is how bizarre our eating schedule is. We eat "breakfast" together at 1:30 pm but we eat meals I made for dinner (which I prep in the middle of the night). It took 3 weeks before we ate an actual breakfast meal during the week!

Graves brings a lot more experience in DUI and the field sobriety tests. R has arrested/tested multiple people on shift. There's fewer incidents/accidents too naturally because there's usually less people on the road. Graves has brought on a few more interesting stories of people he encounters but R is still enjoying the work. And he's learning a lot, especially about his area.

One of my favorite date nights, R and I drove the area his office patrols and he showed me all the places of interest. It was fun seeing all the streets he mentions every night and it really demonstrated how far these guys go from the academy. I'm so proud of him!

For Phase 3, we're sticking with graves so we've got at least another month of our crazy schedule. For the most part, I still stand by what I said previously about break-in, it is easier than the academy. Even though we only get 2 awake hours together on the days he works, it's still better than our weekend-only time when he was at the academy.

Thanks for checking in! Here's to phase 2.

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